Site Issues
Apologies to visitors who have been having problems viewing some of the articles on the site using Internet Explorer - For some reason our CMS has been putting a lot of junk in the headers of some articles and not others, which completely confused IE! Firefox, Chrome and Opera were unaffected - It is out fault for not testing it across browsers (but to be fair, when it worked once in IE, one assumes it would keep on working!) Ooops! Let us know via the forums if it happens again.
Jack Tramiel: 1928-2012 
It is with great sadness that Commodore founder Jack Tramiel passed away on 8th April 2012. You can read an article that has been written in the news section here. Thanks to pipi666 for highlighting this in the minichat.
Bloggy Stuff
Its been a while since we did any updating around here, and as regular visitors will have already noticed, some texts have been writting in the new and blog section (with more to follow). Manky fans should be happy to see that it has finally been given its own wikipedia entry, of which you can read more about it in the news section.
Dont forget if you want something publishing on here, just contact me via the forum and it will be done!
Some Updates!
Well, for those of you checking back every-so-often, you will have noticed that a few things have been happening on the site (and lots in the background which you can't see!).
Firstly, due to popular demand, we now have game 'rom' downloads in the games database and secondly (and quite importantly) we now have breadbinTV !
BreadbinTV is everyone's part of the site where they can upload their own videos or link to them in youtube or metacafe (this is probably easier that converting to our specific file types). Of course, they do not have to be yours, but give credit to the uploader or at least who made the video. It has taken a while sorting things out in the background and a few weeks of testing, but we are reasonably happy now to let it public in what you may call its 'beta' phase. Obviously, there will be amendments to make, but please do try using the facility as it is your community, not to mention it will help iron out any problems (like, if the video upload doesn't work!!!).
Lets try and make it the best collection of C64/128 vid's on the internet - all in one place! And yes, 'fun' vid's are allowed, but nothing *dodgy* (you know what we mean!!!)
A dedicated section in the forum will be set up for breadbinTV.
Ooooo yes, a lot of pages also have comments and ratings available; This includes videos! So priase/slate away to your heart's content!
Welcome to breadbin64! - (eventually) your one stop shop for all things C64 & C128.
At the moment, the site content it quite small as we only launched on 5th September 2010, but this will be increasing into the site that should serve the needs of the discerning Commodore enthusiast.
In the meantime, please do register so as you can participate in the minichat and forum. Any suggestions or feedback (good or bad) can also be submitted in the forum.
One aim at breadbin64 is to deliver content that you (the user) want to see and experience and there is nothing better that members of the site letting us know what they would like to see.
Well, we hope you can bear with us while the site content is being increased, it will hopefully evolve into the site you love